AIVO is a The Future Of AI Telemarketing & Endless Lead Generation

Contact Info

143 666 Borommaratchachonnani Rd
Arun Amarin
[email protected]
+66 2026 8945

The Future of AI telemarketing for your business.

With Artificial Intelligence Technology based on Real Human Voices

Who Are We?

AIVO, which stands for Artificial Intelligence Voice Operator, was brought in to resolve decades-old unresolved problems for businesses big or small, mainly in Telemarketing and Customer Service. AIVO helps companies simplify interactions with customers, improve the efficiency of business processes and increase overall productivity. AIVO provides not only technology but also innovative and targeted business solutions.


Our company specializes in offering customer service solutions with artificial intelligence for the enterprise sector. We have over 200 customers and more than 300 million interactions.


Aivo was founded in Argentina in 2012 as a way to revolutionize how companies communicate with their customers. In a short time it has expanded into a global company.

AIVO Values & Cultures

  • Giving people their time back

    People don’t buy what we do, they buy the reason why we do it. Giving people their time back is the most important reason why we work every day.
  • SFTCSolve For The Customer

    Our mantra is SFTCSolve For The Customer. Satisfying our customers is not enough for us, we want to fascinate them.
  • Design first and keep it simple

    We believe that simplicity is a competitive advantage. There is no better way to keep it simple than designing and experimenting first.